Friday, September 5, 2008

Hallie-Luna 15knts.
Hallie-Luna 25 knts.

Hallie-Luna in 6 to 8 foot seas.

Local sailing friends Hal and Barb aboard their Catalina 30 MKIII s/v Hallie-Luna, July 08'

What started out as a typical off shore cruise from the Manasquan Inlet to the Barnegat Inlet turned interesting in a hurry. The weather forecast called for winds out of the southeast 10 to 15 knts. with seas 2 to 4 ft. Upon reaching a point 10 miles off the coast the wind started to build to 20 knts. and the seas started to build as well. Beating into the wind with ever building seas we reduced sail and headed south along the coast of NJ. By 13:00 the winds was averaging 25 to 30 knts. out of the southeast and the seas were building to 6 to 8 ft. It was a very wet trip even with a full dodger. Once we got into the "Groove" of things the sea state, boat and crew where fine and the trip turned out to be just another one of those days that adds to the excitement of ocean voyages.


Diverdown984 said...

Hey Love, very nice job on the blog so far! I would'nt change a thing. question.. how did you upload the picture of Atlantic City in the banner?? Oh and your description of the manasquan to barnegat inlet was great.. Very much so a captins log lol. I love you, and i will see you later.

Me <3

Diverdown984 said...

read my reply to your comment of my blog in my blog...