Thursday, September 18, 2008

Top of Mast

Okay, did I really need to go 52 feet up to the top of the mast?? Naaaa, but what the heck it was Fun!
The Windex had became misaligned and was not positioned correctly. So what should one do? Fix it! I made arrangements with a friend to assist in raising me up the mast using a Jim-Buoy Bosun's Chair Model 202. We used a spare halyard and the two speed cabin top winch to crank me up. At first the idea of being raised 52 feet in the air dangling by a thread seemed a little scary and it was until I got around the radar dome and up to the top. It was actually a very cool experience. The bosun’s chair is an excellent product, very safe and extremely comfortable. The built in harness provides a very secure feel. I would highly recommend this product.
Needless to say the view from atop was spectacular!


Diverdown984 said...

Cool blog Scott... suggestion, and correct me if I'm wrong. But, I believe if you put an apostrophy for it's.. that is the contraction for "it is".. which in the context of what you wrote, I think you ment "its"... Just throwing that out there.. you know me miss latin nerd lol..
<3 Me

SaLinC34 said...

You are right... as always!!
I fixed it, Thank you Babe!