Monday, September 22, 2008
Shelter Cove and TRYC
Departing from CIM on Friday night about 23:00 in a stiff 15 to 18 knt breeze we anchored at Shelter Cove for an early run to catch the Route 37's first opening at 7:00 in route to the Toms River Yacht Club by 8:00.
The morning brought chilly temps, 50's and a steady breeze out of the NE at about 10 to 12 knts. We made TRYC at 8:15.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Top of Mast
Okay, did I really need to go 52 feet up to the top of the mast?? Naaaa, but what the heck it was Fun!
The Windex had became misaligned and was not positioned correctly. So what should one do? Fix it! I made arrangements with a friend to assist in raising me up the mast using a Jim-Buoy Bosun's Chair Model 202. We used a spare halyard and the two speed cabin top winch to crank me up. At first the idea of being raised 52 feet in the air dangling by a thread seemed a little scary and it was until I got around the radar dome and up to the top. It was actually a very cool experience. The bosun’s chair is an excellent product, very safe and extremely comfortable. The built in harness provides a very secure feel. I would highly recommend this product.
Needless to say the view from atop was spectacular!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Catalina C34 MKII Undersail
Video made by a Catalina dealer as a sales deminstration video....
Monday, September 8, 2008
Tropical Storm Hanna...
Now its time to plan the next ocean trip on SaLin. A fall trip up the coast of NJ into the NY harbor and up the Hudson River as far north as Haverstraw, NY is in order prior to going on the hard for the winter. Stopping at various point along the way including the 79St. Boat Basin in Manhattan for a few cocktails is never a bad thing.
Details to come.....
Friday, September 5, 2008
Hallie-Luna 25 knts.
Hallie-Luna in 6 to 8 foot seas.
What started out as a typical off shore cruise from the Manasquan Inlet to the Barnegat Inlet turned interesting in a hurry. The weather forecast called for winds out of the southeast 10 to 15 knts. with seas 2 to 4 ft. Upon reaching a point 10 miles off the coast the wind started to build to 20 knts. and the seas started to build as well. Beating into the wind with ever building seas we reduced sail and headed south along the coast of NJ. By 13:00 the winds was averaging 25 to 30 knts. out of the southeast and the seas were building to 6 to 8 ft. It was a very wet trip even with a full dodger. Once we got into the "Groove" of things the sea state, boat and crew where fine and the trip turned out to be just another one of those days that adds to the excitement of ocean voyages.